Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Thirty-Third Year

Well, if anyone had told me that in my 32nd year I would get a dog, train for a half marathon, hang out with Julie a lot, work in Kirkland, and pay over $4 a gallon for gas, I would have not believed it!
I wonder what great things await me in the next year? I suppose a new kitchen, the actual half marathon event, completing my vacation scrapbook for Yellowstone (fingers crossed!), NO more new pets!, and maybe seeing both my brothers (although that has been happening a lot lately!).
I started my birthday at 2:32am. Isabelle was asking for help because the dog had thrown up in her crate. What a way to start the day. Fantastic! I did get to pick out new silverware with my Mom and eat my favorite Thai food, so the day is picking up! I might even get a 5 mile walk in this evening. Okay, I'm off to walk the dog now (which does not count as any actual marathon training). Wish me luck, my 2 summer side-kicks are coming along and they don't always enjoy walking!


Morrie said...

I can't wait to share it with you!

Atticelf said...

I'm a day late. :( It sounds like it was a great birthday though and I KNOW wonderful things await you in the coming year. Happy Birthday and a day!