Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Girl

Isabelle turns 11 today, at 4:04 pm. She has told me that I am NOT allowed to tell the story of her birth (as I do each year). Okay, I'll just think about it in my head, all to myself...I picked 4 pictures of Isabelle that capture her spirit. The one of her reading, right before soccer practice is pretty typical. Morrie will listen to rock music before a game to pump himself up, while Isabelle likes to read a good book to keep herself calm.
Then there is the girl and her dog, going for a swim in the lake. She will walk the dog out, and then let the dog swim back to shore. So cute! I can't tell you how excited she was to get a dog earlier this year. Now, while some of the excitement is replaced with dread as she has to pick up dog poop and wake up whenever the dog does, I think she still gets pretty happy when there is a dog wagging her buns off as Isabelle walks in the door. Who doesn't enjoy unconditional love??
Isabelle was unwrapping her gifts this morning, and this girl tried and tried to open gifts earlier this week. I stood firm and told her NO, not until you wake up on Saturday!! It was like Christmas this morning as she unwrapped 11 gifts for her 11th birthday. She last gift, the "big kahuna" if you will, was a handmade pioneer dress that a woman in Texas made for us. I couldn't have planned it better myself, she was over the moon!! It looks awesome on her, and she immediately put it on and went outside to her cabin.
If you don't know this about Isabelle, she happened to be born about 150 years too late. She really loves the pioneer life and has visited quite a few living pioneer museums, from Washington, to Oregon, to Montana. She even planned a 3 day event at her Grandma's over Christmas break where they would live as pioneers using references from 2 book she has about prairie life. She has read countless books about girls growing up during the 1700's-1900's and really enjoys the herb gardens, the chores, you name it! Oddly, she doesn't watch "Little House on The Prairie", I have yet to figure that one out. So here's to my girl, before she reaches her teen years and I can hold on to her a bit longer, Happy Birthday Isabelle!!!

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