Monday, April 28, 2008

Where does the time go?

Okay, okay, it's been 5 days since my last post...but I really wanted to put a picture on and SOMEONE hasn't hooked up a camera to the computer to download any's depressing for me...

I've been very swamped with parenting duties while Morrie was out of town, and then I was pooped when he finally came home! I am very excited to say that my front garden bed has finally gotten some attention and looks ready for spring! The past few years we have added more and more perenials, so this year I don't have to do much (very exciting for me). I weeded it and dug up the rock border (which I have to do all over the yard every year...sigh...). It looks very happy now. If only I could get to the 7 other major beds in the yard! I always focus on the front bed since it is next to the front door, it makes me feel like I'm on top of the spring gardening thing (it's like an illusion) . This year because of the weather, I had a late start! I could come up with more excuses for not having all the beds weeded by now, but I'm sure you have heard them all. A little weed killer and some bark and I will be a happy camper. Why do those first few gardening experiences give me such delight? I have no idea, especially since I grew up in a family that did not like to garden! I'm going to buy a few bushes this week for the back yard, and I'm very excited about that, and I'm open to suggestions (partial sun, will be next to hydrangeas, and nobody can suggest roses!). We moved several hydrangeas last year so we're working on creating new pretty areas in the back. We even moved one on the hottest day of the year last July and it actually survived!! I am not sure this is even an interesting post, maybe for Julie and Melissa who also like to garden....for everyone else, I apologize and promise to be funnier in my prose tomorrow!

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

You're getting me motivated to go out and tackle the weeds in my front yard. Nothing like just digging in and getting a little dirt under the fingernails!
