Saturday, April 5, 2008

Disaster Narrowly Avoided

Yesterday as I drove the girls home from school, the freeway was a little messy. We would drive along at a good pace, and then stop...then the rain would start...then stop...not a recipe for good things to happen. Sure enough, after stopping (again) in the carpool lane, the 3rd car behind me wasn't paying attention and slammed into the car in front of him. Well, as I watched his hood crumple in my rear view mirror, that middle car hit the car behind me and I took a 1/2 second to drive forward and onto the shoulder as the car behind me narrowly missed hitting the Blue Dragon (the girls name for our beloved Highlander). Talk about some guardian angels, magic bubble, fantastic timing...! As my adrenalin pumped into my wobbly legs, we finished our drive home and thanked every possible God, Buddha, High Being, Mother Earth, and all the stars that we were safe! Two days before driving to Oregon for vacation, we surly didn't need the Blue Dragon to be hospitalized.


Boys-R-Us said...

Isn't it sad how dangerous the school parking lot and carpool lane can be!? Dallen's little buddy from class was hit by a car backing up at school that didn't see him or his mom. Thank goodness they weren't hurt....good grief people...its a school zone for cryin' out loud!!

Karma Enforcer said...

Way to think quick on your feet and protect you and your girls!
Who gets a gold star driving award?? You do!