Monday, April 21, 2008

One of THOSE Mondays

I thought my Monday was going okay. However, somewhere along the line, things started to fall apart. Does anyone know where my cell phone charger is? I looked for it all day, and I can't find it anywhere. My day took a slight turn for the worse when I was reading a story Maria wrote and it was about her and her Dad. They were driving along, spending some good quality time together when the car gets hit by a huge boulder and she screams. Then her Dad gets taken away by an ambulance. Now my day really is bad.

But wait, it gets better! The girls come screaming to me that the dog is throwing up (again). GREAT. Spontaneous trip to the vet. Vet recommends x-rays and a mild diet of canned food (gross!). Then the kids freak out because one of the cats is bleeding. Geez, it's only a flesh wound, probably from the other cat. Maybe I should trim their nails while I'm thinking about it. Oh wait...can't FIND the cat nail clippers. Who took all my stuff???

Did I mention that the dog pooped in the exam room? Then she had to pee on the carpet as I was paying the bill. What is this world coming to?? The week has GOT to get better than this.


Morrie said...

That IS one of THOSE Mondays. I'm soooo sorry hunny.

Atticelf said...

You will laugh about all of this later...much later perhaps, but nonetheless...

Today is bound to be better. See you tonite. :)


Loren said...

no boulder collisions. Keep your eyes open MGM! Rough day. I hope the week has gotten better!