Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Field Trips ROCK!

I had so much fun yesterday with Maria on her class field trip! We saw a 3D IMAX movie on the Grand Canyon, a laser show, visited the Planetarium and a butterfly house. The kids were totally exhausted though by the end of the day. I even had a hard time waking Maria up this morning!

Time for the funnies. An un-named child of mine took some snow from the last freak storm and thought it would be a good idea to add chocolate syrup and store it in the freezer. As she was putting it in the freezer, it of course, fell and splashed all over each and every shelf. Did she think to clean it up? No. Did she think to tell anyone? No. So I found out as I took out some bread covered in frozen goo and as my eyes traveled, I saw it on everything. Now, she admitted it right when I asked. However, her attitude was one of a science experiment having had a minor snafu and was hoping for better results next time.

One of my other children decided it would be a good idea to put lip gloss on one un-named cat. Morrie stopped it from actually occurring. I can’t decide which part was funnier though. That she thought of putting it on the cat in the first place, or that the cat would have probably sat there while she did it.

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

Andrea, where are you???
