Saturday, April 5, 2008

My Girls: 2001, 2005 and 2007

This is awesome! Maria is 2 and Isabelle is 4. Maria snuck into her sister's bed and obviously thinks it is hysterical! I love these years, they are so adorable. The home videos just kill me. I now know why people have busloads of kids, I would have more everytime they grew out of these stages. Maria couldn't yet say "Izzy", but she would try to get that "zzzz" sound and it came out as "Dee". Isabelle was "Dee" to her younger sister fo quite some time.
The girls in 2005 in Oregon on sping break. Isabelle is 7 and Maria is 5. We were playing a miniature golf course (that was more of a small golf course than a fun mini golf game). We had been up early that morning and must have started playing at 8:30, it was chilly, but we had the course to ourselves!! This was the turning point from having younger kids at home to having school age kids. I miss having them at home, and being so cute I could just die!

Isabelle's 2007-2008 school picture. She has since started wearing contacts, which makes her look even older!! What happened to the past 10 years??

Maria's school picture for the 2007-2008 school year. Sometimes my baby's birthday just blows me away, she's HOW OLD NOW????


Morrie said...

Those are sure beautiful kids :-)

Morrie said...

From Maria: Do you know I have that coat that Isabelle is wearing in that picture.

From Morrie: Hand-me-downs are awesome.

Boys-R-Us said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!! I can't belive how grown up they is just CRAZY!! Beautiful pictures...but seriously can't be possible they are that old. Contacts?! They just grow up too fast. And it seems we saw you not too long ago and they still look older in the pictures.