Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dog Saga: Part One

We have a dog. An 8 month old puppy to be exact. She is a longhair miniature dachshund. She is really Isabelle's, although we all take a big part in caring for her (some of us a bigger part than others!). Here is one of the reasons I don't totally enjoy having a dog. This is our saga from yesterday, and if you could have handled this, then I guess you too can enjoy the full time care of a dog, although I wouldn't recommend it!
Annie and I set out to purchase her some sort of jacket. She needs to go on more walks now, and in this rain her back gets wet. AND because she is so low to the ground, her belly gets all wet as well. I don't totally enjoy the smell of wet dog every day, so we were off. We went to a store that seemed to have the largest selection of doggie outerwear. Annie rides in the Blue Dragon (our people vehicle) in the very back, and in her kennel. When we arrived I noticed she made a little mess. Seems that she got a little carsick on the way there. Hmmm...okay, so I get her out and notice that she also scraped the top of her nose because it's bleeding a little. Poor dog! So I take her out of the car thinking we will clean up later. She needs some fresh air!
I start to walk her on the sidewalk before taking her into the store. She decides to poop right in the middle of the sidewalk (not in the bushes that I had suggested to her). Great. The plastic bags are in the car, not my purse. So I scrounge around for a few kleenex's in my purse and proceed to pick it up while she barks at people walking by. Meanwhile, stuff is falling out of my purse that I forgot to zip up. This is fabulous.
We find a garbage can and walk into the store. I really wanted some sanitizer for my hands at this point. She continues to bark at people while I try to distract her with training and treats. Some yayhoo is sqeaking toys nearby and that is very exciting for Annie. Not for me. I try on a jacket (on her, not me) that is not nearly long enough for her back. There's soo many choices I am willing a sales person to come help me. They do not. After some aimless walking around someone finally comes over and points me to a line of jackets that is longer for dachshunds.
Now, I am expecting this will be $35ish because I have looked at prices before. As long as I can get one that fits well, and is exactly what we need, we'll have to suck it up. It's not that much fabric!!! I can buy a jacket for the kids for the same price, SHEESH! Anyway, Annie growls at the lady while we fit one on her and more treats...great, it fits. Yellow or red. Well, the red I think is better. Wait, the yellow says $47 and the red (same jacket) says $57. This is getting ridiculous. Sales lady walks away to see if we can have the lower price for the red one.
While we wait for her, Annie spends a lot of time smelling the bags of dog food and knocks over a basket full of dog accessories. I don't'care how much she wants one, we are not getting one! Sales lady returns, yes we CAN have the red one for the lower price. We leave as quickly as possible and return to the car.
Oh yeah, I still have a mess to clean in here. Okay, handi wipes, Check. Clean towel, Check. Get the kennel cleaned up and a new towel put in and we are off again. I tell her it's only a short ride home in hopes that will make her take slow deep breaths. I can hear suspicious noises as I drive, and it doesn't sound good.
Sure enough, we arrive home and she's made even a bigger mess (didn't know it was possible, but she has). Take the dog out, walk her in yard and place her in gated kitchen. I get back to the Blue Dragon and begin operation "clean up" (again). Hmmm...seems she has also peed in her crate on the way home. Fun. Kennel cleaned, car cleaned, load of laundry now started...Now I really do need some bleaching agent for my hands.
I happened to share the story with some people yesterday, because they were wondering why I was in a bar doing shots of whiskey (kidding!). I did in fact tell people and they DID laugh. Great. I am so happy to be able to provide entertainment for others through my pain. I hope this has made your day as well and you might at some point share a similar story with me and I can, in turn, have a good chuckle. I hope "Dog Saga: Part Two" doesn't occur anytime soon!


Atticelf said...

I'm sorry (snicker, snicker), but you know you WILL think it's funny later. The dog saga reminded me of another blogger, Dooce. Have you read hers? She's hilarious.


Unknown said...

This is amazing. I love reading the stories. Now I am confirmed not to get a dog. :)
Great blog.

Sarah said...

Don't worry, my friend, it happens... Stella used to turn absolutely green in the car- we had to buy her a seatbelt and for some reason that worked! :-) G