Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blog Stage Fright

Sometimes I think I write funnier emails than I do blog posts. I however, have found a cure:

Dear Pioneer Woman,

I simply cannot live up to your blogging standards, and I feel that I should either A) retire completely or B) come and live with you in your better life. Nevermind that I sort of detest riding horses, and am not fond of any level of cow manure in the house, and I can't cook. Aside from those aspects, I think I would make a great Ranch Wife. If this letter sounds at all like I would like to run away from my current home responsibilities, then lets just keep it between you and me. I won't tell anyone that your 3d child is your favorite, and you can keep it a secret that I am addicted to reality tv.

Your humble servant,
Andrea - Woman of not much...really.


Atticelf said...

LOL...I like to think of you as a Renaissance Woman.

Atticelf said...

Oh, and I bet you could beat the pants off PW at rock-painting.