Work clothes. I am not a huge fan. I have always worked in pretty casual envrionments- and I am a little scared if I get a job where nicer clothes are required. I spent some time in an office downtown Seattle last year, and I felt a little out of place. Lastnight another mom and I were discussing how we felt when working downtown and how hip and dressy the younger co-workers dressed. How am I suppoed to look hip and dressed up in my 30's?
Recently I worked with someone in her 20's. Hip. Cool. Stylish. There were a few days that I passed muster, but the others I apparently looked "old"- I know this because she told me. Now what did that mean exactly?

Did I look out of date?

Did I look like a grandma? Whenever I tried to be fashionable, I felt a little out of place. A little uncomfortable. Maybe it's because I looked like this:

Was I trying too hard?
World trivia To-Go:
The deepest underwter tranch is the Mariana Trench - 36,198 feet below the surface. You won't catch me swimming around there!
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