These are some things I don't need, ever again....Riding horseback up a mountain for over an HOUR and then coming across a mama black bear and her cubs. Get me out of HERE!!

Any more pictures of these two know it alls. Someone borrowed my camera and took 78 pictures of her 2 gal pals here. There are beginning to creep me out. I think they are planning something.

Another one of THESE. Always wants in, then wants out, barks at EVERYONE who comes to the door. No thank you. DONE.

This game. I hate this game. I have used it as a personal message not to ever go into real estate.

Oh, and I don't need the cold that someone gave me this weekend. I really don't. I hope you don't mind, I didn't take a picture. Not pretty.
Whatsamatter bebe?
How 'bout this comment? Do you not need this too?
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