Friday, May 23, 2008


Wow, I'm so over this week... It's been one that I would rather not repeat and I'm ready to start a new one. With a nice holiday break in between the two weeks of course. I know! How about I work the next 4 days to make the break that much better. Yeah, great idea. maybe I'm wishing it was next Tuesday already.

Maybe I should go back to bed. I stayed up to watch the 2 hour finale of Grey's Anatomy, and I didn't know it was going to be a 2hour event. Tivo is on the fritz so I HAD to watch it or miss it. For those of you that watch, the ending was fantastic!!! I'm so glad Izzy (the tv show, not my daughter) had something positive happen to her because she's had a rough year, what with being so disrepected by her interns every episode and never doing any major suguries. The chief finally got back togetehr with his wife, I have been waiting for that to resolve itself...He also backed up Yang and finally gave her some credit and put that meany cardio woman in her place. Kirev actually CRIED!!! I'm guessing Izzy kept her dignity and didn't let him use her, but it was sweet the way he wanted her for emotional support when he had been fighting her for days. HELLO, we have a lesbian relationship beginning?? The bone doctor and the heart surgeon. Who knew? Maybe Cally is just experimenting, it was a little difficult to believe. The best part, Meredith does want to fight to keep McDreamy. YAY! And he still wants her, double YAY. Loved the candle layout at the end, but did she just have those in her pocket???

Yes, that is my sad little life, the drama of tv keeps me up at night. I guess I will go walk the dog...I want a dog walker for my birthday...oh wait, since it's summer that can be Isabelle!!! Isn't it great how these things work themselves out?


Atticelf said...

I was sad to miss the first part of Grey's...I think I forgot it was Thursday or something. Here's what I'm thinking...Derek told her to wait there with the champagne (couldn't she just go home and they can hook up again tomorrow?) which certainly means he's going to have some horrible accident or something and won't be able to get back. I don't believe the Callie-Heart Chick thing and it was ridiculous how Mark looked on proudly like he'd done some wonderful thing. When did he become a good samaritan instead of wanting them all to go home with him? Good for George, too. Such a nice little fella.

Okay. It's entirely evident that I need to get a life, too. Good luck getting Isabelle to be the official dog walker. :)

Andrea said...

Thanks for making me feel like I am not alone!! I also don't believe that Meredith's sister is in love with George.

Atticelf said...

No, that's lame. I hope they don't do anything with that.

Boys-R-Us said...

Thank you so much for the recap....I have had to limit my shows and have not been able to watch Grey's this season....thank goodness for netflix!! Thank you for at least making me feel like I kind of know what's happening incase I am able to jump on board again in the fall. :)