Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Here We Go!

Alright, thank you Uncle Loren for the great pictures!! The second one is Maria walking in from the procession of all the First Communion kids. The third is her getting her First Communion, and the fourth is her receiving wine from her cousin, Sam! Thanks Sam for figuring that out, it is very special to have this picture! I know it's hard to see her face in the second one, but she's soo happy in it, I had to post it. She is looking at a full row of family members as she walks to the first pew where Morrie and I were sitting. In the family picture, the sun was really bright and Isabelle had just sneezed so we were all giggling about that! What a great day!!

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

Those are awesome pictures! Maria looks like she's positively beaming. Love it.