Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hot Weather is on the Way

It's May, and I couldn't be happier that it's SUPPOSED to be 75 today and hot hot hot this weekend. I'm so giddy I don't even know what to do with myself. I've already thought about getting out in the garden early in the day the next 2 days...basking in the sun in the afternoon with the kids...but wait...why is it STILL raining outside??? Let's all get together and do the Sun Dance in hopes of having the Sun Gods look down upon us in good favor.

The dog is licking the washing machine...again. I don't even want to know why. She also thinks it is great that she can jump up on the couch all by herself. Really? It's not that cute. When I came down to make breakfast this morning she was standing up looking in the drawer that holds foil and baggies. She actually growled at me when I made her get down, and then tried to open it after I closed it. Mwahahaha. You have no opposable thumbs, dog!! I get my joy in life wherever I can.

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