Friday, May 2, 2008

Hey Julie!

Good Morning to Julie. I have no idea where my dedicated fan base went, but I know Julie checks in often, even though I see her a lot now! So, thank you Julie for leaving me lots of comments, some even FUNNY ones. In your honor, today's post is all about YOU.

For everyone else, you know how they tell you not to set up a "date" to meet someone you found on ther internet? Well, I didn't pay very close attention to that, and now look, we have Julie and her CRAZY family in our lives. We met when we were pregnant with our oldest girls and finally met face to face when they were about 3 months old. She had to drive all of 2 minutes to get to my house from her house. AND we couldn't be happier about it. We don't know any other couple who is as funny and makes us laugh like they do. Plus, when the husbands like eachother, it's a win/win situation. I still remember the day Julie called me and told me they had decided to move to California. I was on the freeway and tried to hold it together while we chatted, and then as soon as we hung up, broke down in tears. Then of course, I called Morrie crying hysterically and he was freaking out wondering who had died. My luck turned around a few weeks later as they decided it doesn't get any better than the Great Northwest and decided to stay! YAY!

I do have a picture of Julie to share, but she is wearing a headband with sparkley attena's sticking up out of her head (it was a Halloween long ago). Since I may need her help in the future, I will not post it (yet). Julie, I'm soooo glad the girls are playing soccer together. Isabelle has as much fun playing every week as I do sitting in the car and chatting with you! Here's to good weather coming our way!


Boys-R-Us said...

I'm here...I'm here!!!!! Once puppy land settles into some sort of order I am hoping to return to the land of blog. Any pictures yet of the big auction??

Andrea said...

Morrie is emailing them to me! I'll post them as soon as I can!

Atticelf said...

Andrea! You know what a moosh I're making me all misty and stuff.

I won't turn this into a lovefest, but I am beyond happy that the girls playing soccer together is our excuse to reconnect. It was a much too long, much too dry spell. You are a gift in my life and I'm a better person for knowing you.

Life is good. :)
