Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Need a good laugh?


It is pure awesomeness. It is so utterly fantastic that I find myself laughing out loud, occasionally falling on the floor crying, and staring in disbelief...all at the same time. We (the girls and I) watch Ace of Cakes on the food channel so we are pretty well versed on professional cakes. This site is professional cakes, gone horribly wrong. It is insane. I am so addicted that I think I will look around at the grocery store this evening to see if I can spy a wreck there. There is a story that one lady was trying to take a picture with her camera phone of a vile grocery store creation and they stated yelling at her "No photos! We know that blog!". Some of them are even wedding cake disasters, from professional bakers...The funniest ones are the quotation mistakes...as in...Happy Birthday "Dad". What are they trying to imply with that one? I hope I have wetted your appetite, you need to go there NOW!!!

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

What a fantastic appetite suppressant idea! Those are awful...
