Friday, October 24, 2008

Gearing Up!

Isabelle played the number 2 team in their division last week and they are gearing up to play the number 1 team this weekend (who made this schedule?). She asked me this week what did I think they could do to win this week...ummm...I did my best to answer, but I never played soccer! Everything I know is from watching her play. My knowledge is sub par to HER knowledge!! I don't even have the benfit of listening to her coach when they practice, I just watch...but I do love to watch!
Yesterday we got to practice early and she says "Come on Mom, let's go out there". So nice that she even wants to play with me (read: her friends weren't there yet). Anyway, she had me shooting goals on her, and when I thought my foot/ankle couldn't take it anymore, I switched places with her. Now, I would break a finger or smash my face trying to stop one of her kicks, so I stood in the goal and moved around and she had to shoot to whatever corner I was not in. Her kicks kill Morrie when he tries to goalie for her, so I wasn't about to take my chances and try to stop them. She decided that she wants a slurpee this weekend for any shots on goal. We are generally not the bribery type of parents, but since she brought it up, whatever! We decided it didn't have to be a goal because I think this team has only had 6 goals scored on them in the last 8 weeks. Dude, if she scores a goal, the whole team can have slurpees! The #2 teams goalie was huge AND talented. We need one like that on her team! Stay tuned!

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