Monday, February 28, 2011

Our Weekend

This is the snow that cancelled Isabelle's soccer game. Phew! That only leaves us 2 volleyball games and 1 other soccer game to go to!

This is the dog that loves loves loves to chase snow balls.
This is where she sits when she comes back inside and sites for her dog portrait.

Uh-oh! Time to go! This is Isabelle at her very first game:

DOWN AND READY! (they yell this a lot)
I might start yelling it in the middle of dinner to see if anyone responds.
She asked me after the game what she could have done better. Ummm...maybe not be so hard on yourself? Just a thought, after the first game of YOUR LIFE!

OK, throw on some clothes- okay, a lot of clothes, and lets pace back and forth in the freezing weather shall we?
This is Maria coming in too early for the ball, but getting in a nice ankle kick anyway. It looks like her eyes are closed and she is just hoping for the best. That's how I usually play as well.

Weird. Nobody wants me on their team...

This is what it looks like to kick a frozen ball around the field. It makes me cold all over again.

Back to the warm gym I say!

This is all of Maria's energy getting thrown into a serve. She is even gritting her teeth I think. It made it over, and in 5th grade that's all you can really hope for since nobody can return any of the serves. You think I am being funny, but I'm not. Her game of 3 matches lasted over an HOUR. I won't tell you how many times they forgot to rotate on a serve and lost the ball. Then the other team missed their serve and we got it back.
There were looooong stretches of time where no points were scored.

She's eyeing either the ref or the score keepers. Quite frankly, it looks like she paid one of them off before the game.

Once Morrie and I can figure out how to clone ourselves, this will all be a piece of cake. We're hoping to have the gene part figured out by Friday as we have 4 soccer games and 2 volleyball games this weekend. Gulp.

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