Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Typical Week

People often ask me what it's like to have school age kids, or even a teenager in our lives. Even I wondered when my girls were little, what will our lives be like when they start going to school all day instead of being with me? What kinds of things will they be interested in? How will the definition of "mom" change for me with all the new responsibilities that will come our way?

Here is a peek at a typical week at our house:

Monday- Isabelle asked for $11 for a field trip. I amazingly scrounge some up because I don't carry cash that often. She also reminded me that they were having a party at school this Thursday, but I didn't think twice about it because I had already dropped off chips for it last week. That night I dropped her off waaay early at volleyball because I needed to get 2 towns over to pick up Maria at the same time volleyball was to start. I made Isabelle text me every ten minutes to tell me she was ok until the coach got there.

This is typical teenager: She jumped out of the car and ran into the school. Ten seconds later I get a text that says "I'm okay!". I was pretty sure she had made it those ten seconds in tact, but she was kind enough to let me know. I then texted her back that if she wanted her water, then she better come back out to the car and get it.

I picked up Maria on time (phew!) from soccer. She and I made it back home around 7:30 and I think I had toast for dinner while I helped Maria study for her Social Studies test.

Tuesday- Isabelle told me she needed $12 for a math and science notebook that she can buy at school. I am officially out of cash. I get an email that tells me the chips I dropped off for the party on Thursday will not be sufficient and I need to bring a "treat" instead. Siiiigh. Fine.

That afternoon I get a call from home. The girls are home alone and not getting along. I spent 15 minutes on the phone with them getting it all sorted out and hurt feelings back in place. That night, I stop buy a store on the way home from work and they dodn't have anything in the bakery that I had pictured as the perfect delicious cupcake- that would fall under "treat" would it not? It better. I went straight from the store to Maria's volleyball practice where Morrie had dropped her off (and he then took Isabelle to soccer). I watched 14 5th grade girls learn the art of "bumping" a volleyball, while they lip synched to their favorite music that the coach let them bring for practice. I think there was more dancing than spiking, but they sure were having fun! We rolled into our driveway at 8:30, discussing the play that Maria was going to be in on Friday. She was verry excited about it.

Wednesday - It was a crazy morning because it was "Cat in the Hat" day at school and the kids could wear a hat representing a favorite character from a book. Isabelle waited until the last minute to figure this out and re-did her hair 4 times on the way to school so it would fit perfectly under the cowboy hat she had on. Both girls had volleyball pictures that afternoon. $12 each for the pictures, $15 for the 19 year old niece, who helped enormously that day, to take them out for a snack after school before pictures and $20 for her own pocket for managing that whole afternoon for us. I met Maria once again at volleyball practice while Morrie took Isabelle to a training/conditioning class for soccer. Maria was starving after volleyball and she was not entirely pleased that we had to stop by another store to find cupcakes for Isabelle on the way home ($15 for 30 red velvet cupcakes) and then my mom's house to pick up the dog who was playing over there all day. I texted Morrie to please have a plate of food ready for Maria when we walked int he door, because we have learned that when she is hungry, ain't nobody happy. We made it home by 8:00.

Thursday- I send the cupcakes to school with Isabelle and tell her to hand out the chips at lunch one day since they were already at school. Done, and done. I was able to spend an entire 30 minutes at home that night before 6:30. Morrie and I actually sat at the kitchen table together with food in front of us. We were both too tired to talk about anything. I left and picked up Isabelle from soccer and drove her straight to volleyball practice. On the way to volleyball she tells me "Mom, the coach asked me if I would stay an extra 30 minutes tonight for some setting practice". Of course he did! She jumped out of the car when we got there and I went to park. As I made my way into the gym, I saw something dark on the wet pavement. As I got closer, I realized it was Isabelle's soccer shoe that she had accidently knocked out of the car when she jumped out. Thank you thank you thank you to every God, Buddha, Mother Earth, Holy figure out there that I found this shoe!

On the way home I asked her how the party went. She said it was great! I asked if everyone liked the cupcakes. She tells me they didn't have them.


There were 4 of us who brought treats for the party (that 3 grades were coming to). Isabelle's teacher thought the red velvet goodness looked soo good that she wanted to save them for her own class on Friday, because they had enough treats for everyone from the other moms. Are you serious? All that and they didn't even EAT them? I had no words. We were home by 8:45. When we got home Maria tells me that parents are invited to the play that she is doing the next day. Could I go?

This kills me. It hurts my heart. I can't take the afternoon off to come to her play- not only am I 45 minutes away from the school by bus, but I am taking time off next week to be Mom and Dad while Morrie is out of town. This is the suckiest part of being a working mom. I know this hurts her too.

Friday- Maria woke up bouncing off the walls. She was so excited for her play that day. Nobody asked me for money, so I was pretty happy all around. I spent my lunch hour on the phone with Isabelle's new school for next year getting everything sorted out for her registration. It made me all nervous and wishy washy inside as I realized she is really and truly going into 9th grade. I texted her that I loved her and needed to hug as soon as possible.

On my way home from work I picked up my niece from her barista job hoping for free coffee. I needed energy to make it through the triple birthday party we were having for our family that night. My niece is turing 20 and I can't stand the thought!

Morrie handled Maria's soccer practice and before I knew it we were on our way to the party. We weren't there 10 minutes when my stomach collapsed on itself and I became ravenously hungry. Once again I had missed dinner and my sister and brother in law kindly whipped up a delicious piece of chicken to make sure I didn't go all crankypants on them.

The whole goal of our week is to make sure nobody goes all crankypants on anyone else. That is pretty much how we make it throught the week. By the seat of our pants. On a wing and a prayer. Okay, it's really through google calendar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that insight. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go permanently break both of my sons' legs so we won't have to worry about all those sports practices down the road.