Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I really need to break out the camera, the pictures inspire my blogging. So here is a picture free story for you:

I was driving the kids to school and thinking that I really had to use the restroom (read: I am finally drinking more water). I figured that since I was going to PCC, I could use their restroom right after drop off. Perfect.

I arrive to an empty PCC lot, the best time for grocery shopping. However, when I get to the restrooms, both are full. Weird. I did hear a flush from one though, so I knew the door just wasn't closed for no reason. Then I hear washing...good, I don't want to use the other one, that person still isn't making any noise...wait, the washing person just flushed AGAIN, I don't know if I want to use that one either....wait...wait...wait...

Finally, the silent guy washes up and comes out of the restroom first. I walk in - no horrid odor, thank goodness. Hmm...the water in the toilet seems kind of high. Even when I tilt my head to the side, yup, it still looks high. I'll just jiggle the handle a little. Oops. That little jiggle unleases the floodgates and water starts POURING out of the toilet all over the floor. Uh-oh. I rush to tell the deli people, they tell me to tell a cashier. I run with a crazed look in my eye and tell the cashier about the Mississippi in the hallway - and try to convince her it wasn't me. I actually saw the guy who had come out of there and I wanted to point him out and scream "It was HIM!", but that would have been rude. I don't think she got the urgency of the matter, but none the less, somebody eventually got back there and fixed it. I'm glad it wasn't me. I think I'll just use the powder room at my own house from now on.


Atticelf said...

LOL...much more self control than I would have had.

Terrie said...

That is sick. Did you get any on your shoes???

Andrea said...

I hightailed it out of there before anything touched my shoes, I hadn't even thought about sitting down people!

Atticelf said...

I'm missing your mad soccer-picture-taking skills!

mrsmouthy said...

I know it was you.