Well, as you can tell lately, I haven't had much time to post. Last weekend was nuts with me working and Maria being sick. This weekend I was in a massage class for 16 hours and Morrie hung out with the girls. Isabelle had a soccer game, which they won 4-1. Morrie video taped it for me and I am working on how to post little snipits of video for you here. He also took the girls to a Globetrotters game, how much fun is that?? The girls loved it and I think someone thought all the antics just happened to occur, which made it very funny and unbelievably awesome. They even got their picture taken with "Sweet Pea" and loved telling me all the crazy things that happened with audience members.
We have a jam packed week. I get to see the eye doctor tomorrow, who will hopefully fix my broken eye, the girls are supposed to dress up as "Ghoulish Mardi Gras" which none of us can figure out -for tomorrow, we all plan on pigging out as it is FAT Tuesday and we will deprive ourselves of much goodness over the next 40 days, the girls have regular free dress on Thursday - which is always cause for uniform free celebration-, and on Friday they will have "Mathcitement" which is like having math all day. Not everyone is happy about that one, but I am and that's what matters most, we will also throw in a couple of family birthdays, Maria as "Star of the Week" and Isabelle has another play practice and that will round out the craziness in our household. What craziness will you be experiencing today?
No way--we went to the Globetrotters game too! And we just learned about "Mathcitement" at Holy Family's open house! We're living parallel lives...
What's wrong with me? I lost your e-mail address--thought it was in contacts but I guess you're just not "there" yet. :) Anyway, if you e-mail me I'll send you the recipe for the cuke salad. Take care!
Wow, I guess we are busy!
Busy, busy! I know you will find time in there to have dinner with us girls. Can't wait to see you again.
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