We had a very soccerish weekend, Isabelle had 2 games, we watched the Sounders on TV and Maria had a soccer clinic. Although yesterday afternoon was beautiful, yesterday morning in Everett was freezing. So was Saturday's game for that matter. Here is Maria all bundled up at the stadium - my fingers were frozen from taking pictures, but it was worth it!!

I love this picture because you can tell Isabelle is thinking! She sees Emily (#7) getting the ball and is already opening herself up to receive a pass. I love this girl - always one step ahead.

I would like to call HOLDING on this chick. Their parents were extememly rude and poor sports, and I am not surprised that she is grabbing Isabelle's arm. It wasn't called. As a matter of fact, Isabelle had a foul called in her during this game! Perhaps she was getting this girl back, or maybe it was the one that elbowed Izzy in the stomach before a throw in.

This picture is part of a series, and Isabelle totally got the ball! She was on fire yesterday and played one heck of a game! Even though they had 4 subs, the coach left her in until later in the 2nd half - I'm thinking she earned it!
I'm sorry we missed your games, Izzy. Emma has had a cold and in bed since last Friday so I'm staying close to her. You looked totally pumped in this game! Good job hustling.
Grandpa J.
p.s. Simon says Hi!
These are great! Can't pick a favorite...
Chuckling over here at Maria bundled up. I was jealous!
Anyone who watches/plays that much soccer in one weekend should really be calling it "futbol."
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