Monday, January 26, 2009


Somtimes I like to know what is going to happen weather wise, so I can decide between 2 layers and 4 layers of clothes for any particular day. I hardly ever watch the news on TV, so I check out the newspaper or look up Jeff Renner's predictions on the web. Lately however, there seems to be some discrepancy between what he thinks will happen and what really does happen. A few degrees here and there I can understand, but how long has this guy been a meteorologist???

When we had the snow storm, he lamely said 3 inches here, 2 inches there...I still don't know how my yard ended up with 18 inches. He never said anything about that. He didn't even apologize for the gross error the next day - and I was watching the news, waiting for some display of shame.

Lately it seems like my house is on a different planet than the one he lives on. The newspaper said the low for lastnight was 25 in Seattle and 22 in Bellevue. It was 15 flippin degrees when I got up this morning. The highs lately say 40 something and it's been 32 at my house. Do I live in the Twilight Zone? Maybe. Regardless, I should have a better idea of what to expect. Do I need to warm up the car for 4 minutes, or are we talking a 30 minute thaw here? My hands were stuck to the steering wheel a few days ago, which means I can only go straight, and that really doesn't get us very far beyond the driveway. So if any of you have a better source of weather reporting, please share it with me, I've had it up to HERE with Jeff.

1 comment:

mrsmouthy said...

THANK you for calling out the weatherman. I always used to think that if I botched my job as badly as the weather people do, I certainly would not be employed. How is it we keep letting them be so completely wrong, yet we still keep listening to them and counting on them? Are there any other jobs you can think of that let you be the opposite of right day after day and still pay you? Argh!