Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Right Now...

Favorite Song: Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis
Book I'm reading: Three Cups of Tea - amazing
Funniest Thing my kids said: "Mom, can we just make something? I'm tired of eating out."
Most Overwhelming Moment: Hmmm....I'm going through a kitchen remodel, every moment lately is too much!
Ah-Ha Moment: If a dog with wet feet walks into a house covered with drywall dust, it will make a hard shoe like object attached to the dog's feet
Worst Smell: My house at 78 degrees with the heat on full blast and smelling the mud dry (yuck!)
Best Smell: Outside, someone else's house, clean clothes...

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

Have you checked out goodreads.com? It's a site where you can rate and/or review books you've read and get the same from others.

We won't be at practice tonight - see you Saturday!