Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Sometimes I think that I need to go back to 1998 and hang out with this girl more...

Because when I see her like this, I FREAK OUT:

In all honesty, this picture was a little joke we pulled on Dad. I took it with my phone, and came home and told Morrie we found the perfect graduation dress. Then I showed him this picture. He says to me "Don't you...Don't you think it's a little LOW in the front???" as he started to hyperventilate.

It was the best 3 minutes of my life.

This is how perfectly beautiful she really will be. She had graduation photos at school already. I may have cried.

Unless you think that makes me ridiculous, then I definitely DID NOT cry.


Hand me a tissue please.

Then I dried my tears and we went to a Sounders game and all was right with the universe (it's funny how that works).

They gave us free stuff.

You can ignore the fact that the stadium looks empty. We were there 2 days early. We REALLY don't' want to miss anything.

Although, sometimes when it is really cold and rainy at the game, and I have a poncho on, and I can't even clap because my arms are inside the poncho, I wish I was curled up at home in front of the heater like this:

Or playing cards with this girl:

Who decidedly has NO poker face.

I like to play her for quarters.

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