Thursday, May 5, 2011

Semi finals = Break out the Defibrillator!!

I can't take it! Maria had Semi finals for soccer, then tryouts and now Izzy has to go to Semi finals too? It's too much for my pounding heart to take.

Give me some antacids.




This girl only wishes someone had given her mom some sleepy anesthesia.

"Mom, stop talking to me".

"We're busy being cool. And nervous".

Their coach brought them all flowers.

The girls loved it.

Maybe it was a gift for the parents as we have spent the last year driving around in a very smelly car. Teenage girls do NOT actually smell good.

They had to walk out with the 4 officials very professional like.

Did you hear me? I said FOUR officials!

I expected a news crew to roll in any minute.

Izzy is at the end of the line hoping that nobody is looking at her. Wishing the sun would go down so nobody could see her. Wanting to dig a hole and bury herself in it. That's what happens when you play where the Sounders play. It's overwhelming.

Hey! Who is THAT hot guy???

I had an official press pass to be on the field to take pictures. It may have been completely awesome.

Or Isabelle may have been completely awesome.

Either one.

She played a team that expected to come out and kill Izzy's team. You know what happened?

Izzy's team held them.

I was having small but frequent heart attacks on the sideline.

Why is my heart racing?

Hey! Who are these YO-YO'S???

Soccer is not, I repeat NOT a laughing matter.

Hey Isabelle! Stop growing up already. Your mom can't handle it!

The other team couldn't score for 69 minutes. I think their parents were in awe.

It happens.

Then, the other team scored int he last 20 seconds of the game. No I am not making it up.

You thought I was exaggerating last week when I said Maria lost in double overtime? Now Izzy lost in the last 20 seconds?

I know. It's unbelievable. It's unfair. One moment, one pass, one goal is what separates soccer teams.

It is brutal.

Then you go eat lunch and the parents of the other team compliment how well your team played.


Then Izzy goes and stands in line for a smoothie. She sees other players from the winning team. She tells them they did a good job. Then they tell her how well her team played.

You just don't hear this stuff every day.

Then Izzy tells her mom what just happened in the smoothie line. Her mom wanted to cry because Isabelle is nice enough to compliment other players. Her mom wanted to cry because it was heart wrenching to see 14 girls come off the field with tear stained cheeks, wishing they could have just done a little better, wishing they could be jumping up and down screaming like the other team.

It was kind of hard.

Then Izzy and her mom went to the Sounders game where they SERVED Toronto 3-0 and all was right in the universe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes, I hope my kids don't play sports. I don't know if I can handle the adrenaline rush as an "older mother!"