Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A demonstration in exhaustion

I asked our dog Annie to please demonstrate how tired we have all been lately.

I think that pretty much sums it up.

Thank you Annie.

Isabelle's class had a volleyball game versus the teachers at an all school assembly last week. The cheering was so extreme and intense that I think I lost the hearing in my right ear. That is what happens when the first graders sit right behind you!

This picture is right before the 8th graders smashed through the paper and sprinted around the gym a few times really getting the younger kids amped up. You would have thought the crowd had main lined sugar and caffeine right before they entered the gym.

In a more subdued environment the next day, Isabelle had her last handbell performance to which the parents were invited. They played some great music including Amazing Grace. I didn't cry. Honest!

Okay, maybe a little.

Then the kids had to pick someone from the audience to get up and perform a group song. Luckily Morrie and my sister also had to get up and play! Isabelle is teaching me how to work a chime.

I am really doubting that I can in fact work the chime.

The play! The play! This is outside the theatre, where 2 very excited girls let me snap their picture.

Our motto: "Stage Crew Rocks!"

Mostly because we look like a lot of stealth ninja's in all black, running around in the dark carrying furniture.

This morning: One last picture with her braces on!!

No way!!!!! Look!!!

I can't tell you the extreme joy that this kid had today. She came out of the orthodontist's office giggling and exclaiming "This is so awesome!!" and "This is the BEST DAY EVER!!!".

Well, at least until Thursday when she graduates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heart your family. I am vicariously feeling all the excitement/reminiscense (sp?)/tugging-at-heart stuff that comes with graduating from the 8th grade. I still feel like that 8th grader, and leaving CYO hurts!

Sorry we made it back alive and all. You can maybe come play with the Kinect one of these days though.