Monday, October 11, 2010


I have a teenager. I have girls. Thus we listen to all kinds of music from Katy Perry to Black Eyes Peas, to Justin Beiber to Taylor Swift.

I will never forget my first conversation involving Justin Beiber:
(Justin Beiber song playing in background)
Me: Who sings this song?
Izzy: Oh, that's Justin Beiber.
Me: Justin Beaver?
Izzy: Yeah.
Izzy: No Mom, Justin Bei-Ber.
Me: That's what I said, Justin Beaver.
Izzy: Beeeee-Beeerrr Mom. B-E-I-B-E-R. The letter B. BEHR.
Me: Bee-ber?
Izzy: Yes, Mom, Justin Beiber (her eyes might have been rolling into the back of her skull at this point).
Me: That's a dumb name, it sounds like Beaver.
(Izzy walking away)

I might have beeen mumbling to myself, "Beiber? Who would keep a name like that? It rhymes with Beaver, and who would want THAT last name? Beiber sounds stupid. It sounds like a 12 year old girl. I wonder what she looks like."
Conversation taking place upstairs, "Oh my gosh Maria, Mom is so weird".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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