Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Stress and Obsessions

Just so you know, even though I don't get to posting as much (or as often) as I would like, I do think about it a lot. In fact, on many of my bus rides home, I write complete posts in my head- and they are pretty funny. I'm sorry you all are missing out actually.

However, on the 2 hour (no, that is not a typo) bus ride home today, all I could think about was 1) How did the downtown gridlock get to such a horrific magnitude? and 2)why on today of all days do I have a brand new driver on his very first route EVER and someone from metro riding with him telling him every nuance of every stop? I literally thought I was going to scoop my eyeballs out with the red emergency latch from the window. But now that I think about it, if I was able to wrench that off the window, I might have been able to jump in the lake and swim home faster than the bus could get me there.

I mean really. Two hours? REALLY? Really Seth and Amy? REALLY? Two hours in which I sent scathing texts to 2 people full of swear words because I wasn't even out of downtown after 60 minutes. Luckily, I had just the perfect stress reliever when I got home.

I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that I got completely drunk aren't you?

Well, I didn't. In case you haven't noticed, in times of stress, I have a little habit. Some might say an obsession.


I went and laid down in a sunny patch of grass and watched Maria's soccer practice. much better.


Sarah said...

Andrea! Gotwals here! Randomly found your blog again, and wow, did I enjoy the pics from Whibey Island! Your long bus ride sounded horrible, though... but when you're on another ride like that, just think to yourself, at least I'm not in Louisiana with Gotwals, where it's near to 100 degrees outside! -G

Anonymous said...

Those blog posts you compose in your head on the bus rides--please tell me you mumble them quietly out loud.