Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Oh my god! So cute! Someone has too much time on her hands- well I don't have extra time, I should be doing something productive- but I found some things that brought a smile to my face. For real, sometimes you just need to smile! We've got belly buttons, cute food, baby animals, baby shoes, I mean really, what could be more cute?

Maria seeing the wonders of the belly button for the first time. OhmyGod. Look at that foot! I think my heart just cracked.

This is what I feel like at the end of the day sometimes. Especially when the bus ride has taken extra time.
So delicious looking! These cupcakes are adorable. I especially like how they are organized so perfectly.

OhmyGod! Shoes for small feet!!

The baby dachshund just kills me. Wanna come home with me puppy?

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

Agreed. Too much time... ;)