Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Did I forget to tell you?

Morrie and I are going to VEGAS BABY in April. That's how you have to say it. VEGAS BABY. We were invited to go and celebrate a friend's 40th birthday, and well, any excuse to go is a good one! I have never been so I am super excited. Morrie has been a few times, but those previous visits cannot possibly measure up to going with his wife. The kids even invited themselves over to someone's house for us. I think it was meant to be.

We also just got a small video camera, a purchase we have been putting off for a while. My new work schedule will prevent me from going to Isabelle's spring league soccer games, which makes me VERY sad. So, we had to get a video device so Mommy can watch the games when I get home from work. My point is, we will have it wherever we go now, so what happens in Vegas, will actually come home with us and be posted here for all to see. Should be interesting!!

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