Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things I am loving

Right now I am loving...

Christmas music that is on the radio 24 hours a day. Love. It.

The Kindle I didn't know we had. For a year. (funny story, that one)

Voss bottled water. I feel like a celebrity every time I take a drink. Where's my red carpet?

That my Christmas shopping is done.

And wrapped.

The Pioneer Woman's blog. Still loving it after finding it a year ago.

Sitting around a table with 6 other people last night shooting the breeze.

The fact that one of them was Adrian Hanauer and one was Kasey Keller wasn't too shabby either.

I know, right!

Taylor Swift's new album. Looove it.

The baby across the street. How could I NOT include that one?


As a matter of fact, I think I am going to go take a nap right now.


Atticelf said...

Get outta here! I want to hear the story about dinner...

Anonymous said...

I wish I had your self-esteem so I, too, could love the Pioneer Woman's blog.

Right now I love Xanthum Gum. (Love it so much I'd like to give it to you...)