Friday, December 31, 2010

Post Christmas Fun

I have been reluctant to post anything because I just feel at a loss for words. I think it is called Writer's Block. Although I am not really a writer, let's just pretend and call it that.

Ok, now that we have that out of the way, we have been having all sorts of crazy old fashioned fun around here. Take for instance, that we just removed the 3,452 ornaments from the tree and covered the kitchen table with them. Now we are going to see how long they will sit there before they pack themselves into the attic. This should be good because Morrie is about to eat lunch and has nowhere to eat it.

We started off the week by getting up early and going to work. Oh, wait, that was just me. Everyone else stayed tucked in their cozy warm beds. Then they got up late and met me at my office, saw the other 3 people who were working with me, and THEN we left and vacation started at exactly 12:31pm Monday afternoon. We took the kids out to lunch at a sports bar where we could all watch Arsenal beat Chelsea for the first time in...well...forever. Then we poked around the SAM gift shop because the line was waaaay to long to wait in for the actual museum part. Everything is pretty much on postcards and whatnot in the gift shop, so it was totally the same as walking around in the gallery.

We walked in the rain- to the kids horror- down to Pike Place and watched fresh donuts being made, fish being thrown and trinkets being sold. With Isabelle's new found love of cooking, we perused the shelves at Sur La Table. By "perused" I mean squeezed our way around the other 56 people in the tiny shop and looked at the shelves from 3 inches away as we tried to not block the walkways. It was fun. And by "fun" I mean people were in my personal bubble of space and I broke out in a cold sweat.

After a few movies we woke up and it was only Tuesday. The girls went shopping with Grandma and I dragged Morrie to the mall for some returns. He loved it. Really. We picked up the girls and needed some refreshments and of course that meant a trip to the bakery. Duuuuh. Donuts make the world go round.

Wednesday was the most exciting because I was able to play pinball!! We went bowling, ate greasy hamburgers and played pinball and more pinball in the arcade. Our standards are very low for what makes a good afternoon. We have raised our kids right.

"Wait!" you say, "where is the learning?". It's okay, we took them to the Museum of History and Industry yesterday and made them read all sorts of facts about our area. Isabelle had been begging to go, and because we encourage everything that I like, we went. Morrie was particularly interested in the "Purse and the Person" traveling exhibit regarding the history of the purse. I told him to pretend they were Eurpoean Carry-Alls, but he walked out faster than a greyhound chasing a rabbit. I think he had smelled the presence of a Hydroplane and had to go check it out.

I plan on watching tv for the next 72 hours, so please don't call. I will be watching very important reruns of old tv shows, movies on TBS that I have seen 53 times and Oprah's new network shows. I am verrrry excited about this. I will be watching from my room where we have installed FLEECE sheets because they are the best invention EVER made. The bed is always warm and ever so soft. We are still trying to kick the kids out and we told the cats to not throw up on them, but other than that it has been great.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

Happy New Year! Flannel sheets are awesome. Iz and I need to get together and discuss our favorite Food Network shows. :)