Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's soccer and this...

When we are not at soccer games, Izzy is at the kitchen table doing her homework. She is hanging out with yesterdays' newspaper, the syrup from breakfast, my artwork from the night before and several drinking glasses that a certain 10 year old likes to NOT clear from her meals.

You are probably wondering HOW we eat our meals. I make everyone clear a little spot for themselves at our table that can seat 6, but most of the time barely seats 4.

I want my kids to not have any pressure about living in a pristine environment. I want them to be free of any control issues about cleanliness. I want them to have no order in their life. I want them to be...
Who am I kidding? Someone better fold these clean clothes before I blow my top! Why is the ironing board out? You all know we do not iron anything as a rule! Come on! Why do I even buy throw pillows? So you can throw them on the floor? I don't think so!
I am all for being casual, but this is out of control. I would like 1 nanny and 1 housekeeper please. And maybe a new house while we are at it. I am pretty sure if I had more closets, we would have less things out for everyone to see. Wait...maybe if we had less THINGS!
I guarantee you that at this moment, Morrie is wishing I had posted about anything other than our ability to not maintain a clean home during the fall craziness that we call our world.
Isn't there a Sounders game on that I have to go watch? Aren't I supposed to drive back to Vancouver in 2 weeks? AND then again the week after that? I bet we could totally have those clothes folded by...December some time. I swear!


Atticelf said...

I am not alone!

Anonymous said...

We usually just throw our clothes away and buy new ones when it's laundry time.