This is Morri'es first attempt at growing sunflowers. They are 8 or 9 feet high and just started to bloom (more picture will follow!). This summer has done amazing things for gardners!

This si Maria's lettuse, although without a frame of reference, it's hard to tell how big it is. It looks great though!

My favorite annual, I only buy a few each year, and this is such a great spreader!

These roses are pretty hardcore, I haven't watered them too much this year. I have been more concerned with the new plants I had bought for my birthday in the backyard. But look, they continue to bloom!

The hydrangeas. Love, love, love them. Although with all the sun, I was hard pressed to find a bloom without some sunburned edges. I think they might have preferred more rain, but we watered them religously. 3 motnhs of heat, I have loved every second of it!!
I miss gardening! But you are proof that even with two kids, someday your hobbies come back. They come back, right?
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