Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter, and perhaps explain my prolonged absence from blogging.

I have been pre-occupied with nervousness. Anxiety.

Someone get me a paper bag!!

Maria's team was in the semi-finals of state cup, and Isabelle's quarter final game of state cup was scheduled for the exact same time on the exact same day. I was horrifically torn, not knowing which one I should go to and very nervous for both girls. We decided that Morrie would take Maria and video tape her game for me. I wanted to have game updates, but I know it is impossible to text and use a video camera. at the same time.

Morrie did NOT want any texting whatsoever. He was in his own ball of heart palpatations.

We knew Izzy would be doing things like this:

When she got dressed for this position, I was a heart attack waiting to happen:

I hate to see her in goal, and her goalie was injured, but there was a possibility that the main goalie would play. We crossed our fingers. We said extra prayers. We lit candles. When we got to the field, the other back up keeper got dressed. We obviously didn't light enough candles, but this would work out. Phew!

Then the second half came and Izzy had to put the gloves on. I was dying. I knew Morrie did not want to know this was happening. However, I was surprised that he hadn't texted me ANYTHING at all.

It turns out, all the parents watching Maria's game were freaking out as it went into double overtime.

You can see a cool highlight video that Maria and Morrie made here:

Izzy's team won their quarterfinal and were decidedly overjoyed:

We met up with Morrie and Maria to find out that she had lost after the poor kids played an 80 minute game. It wasn't a fantastic experience for Maria and we tried to sweep up her sorrow by going out to dinner and getting caught in the worst traffic around Southcenter mall ever.

Maria's tryouts were the week following state cup and she wasn't sure if she should tryout again. In the end, she decided it was worth a shot as there would be a new coach.

Here is a picture of a girl I plan on seeing more of this year:

She was excited to be offered a spot on the A team, and we look forward to much more soccer inspired fun for the next 12 months. I sure am glad she had that one day off from practice!

Just kidding, I think she will have May off.

Maybe. Probably.

Well, I'm not totally sure.

I can't think about it anyway, as I have to prepare a stack of paper bags for Izzy's semi final game this weekend. Why does it feel like my heart is beating in my stomach? Why do I keep waking up at 3:30 in the morning?

Is this called socceritis?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And I totally forgot to mention, that when she is goalie, and is reaching for the ball...she yells at the opposing player "DON'T TOUCH IT!!!". That girl cracks me up!