Thursday, November 4, 2010


I haven't had much time to blog lately, and it kind of has me down. I just can't cram everything I need to get done inbetween the hours of 7pm-10pm (9 central). I have a crap load of pictures on my camera to download, so many games I can't even describe it. Here is what we were doing a few weeks ago. I'm not even sure what I have been doing this week- because I don't have any pictures to remember it by.

Here is Izzy taking ball to the left kidney- it made quite a loud noise. I think she is ok, but more importantly, she totally blocked the ball from going down to our end of the field!!

Here is what happens when it rains. The dog wants to smell outside, and see outside, but not necessarily GO outside. She is just standing. Hanging out. Observing her domain. Considering the idea of maybe, perhaps going out on the deck. that MY KID playing the player and not the ball? Nooooooooooooooooooo.

(when the other kids are that big, you gotta do what you gotta do!). KIDDING, I am just kidding. We are a non-violent family. Maria never gets called for fouling.
Okay, well THAT is a teeny exaggeration. She completely stiff armed a girl last week. I told her that when she is running up to the girl, not to have her arm already out and locked, it kind of gives her intention away to the ref.

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

I, for one, have noticed the serious lack of postings. No pressure though.

This may help. At least in soccer they don't boot the player off the field for a penalty. Dev had THIRTEEN MINUTES of penalty time at his game yesterday. Yikes. My sweet boy?