Thursday, May 28, 2009


Okau okay, May has been one of the most jam packed months that we have had in a while. The good news is that it is almost over, we have survived, and we made it to all of our events. Never mind that I have 9 things written on the calendar for today. Whatever.

As we wind up for summer, we are looking over the girls soccer practice schedule, the tournament dates for both of them, and squeezing in a few little "vacations". Mostly, we will be reading in the sun in the backyard while the dog barks at the neighbors. I just found a new great sunscreen. We'll see how many times my kids burn with it on. Isabelle got a sunburn while wearing SPF 50 during soccer tryouts. I can't keep up with their evolving skin, it is scientifically not compatiable with sunscreen I guess.

We have a big day today, it is Maria's last gymasntics practice, and I already know I will be teary. The tears probably won't last long because we have to leave a little early from it to race up to her first soccer practice which we are both excited about (her to meet new friends and me to finally get going after 4 weeks since tryouts). This girl lucks out, her gym coach has been the best thing since sliced bread. She loves Maria, and constantly gives the kids holiday goodie bags, has parties at her house and encourages them every week. Maria's new soccer coach has been coaching for over 25 years and I have heard nothing but fantastic things about him from people throughout the club. So, we leave one era and enter a new one today. Heavy.

Isabelle is pooped. She hasn't even started soccer yet (that's next Monday). She has been spending every day- 5 hours- a day at play practice. She ate dinner lastnight at 9:15. By Monday (after a weekend full of 3 performances) she should be exhausted...I mean READY to go for soccer. Yeaaaaahhhh. We'll see how mahy kids make it to school on Monday...

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

Those end-of-era things are always dicey. Big hug and then jet out of the gym - fast...