Monday, May 18, 2009

Extreme Room Makeover!

Before I even get to what is happening this week, I need to wrap up last week. Isabelle had soccer tryouts, which means Morrie and I were super nervous for her. She was trying out for 2 clubs (5 tryouts over this past 3 days) and it was going to be a hot one! To top it off, Isabelle woke up Friday with a cold. It wasn't pretty. Morrie and I were pumping her full of cold medication and supplying kleenex. She had told us that Northwest Nationals B team would be her first choice (as opposed to their select team, she wanted to move up to the premiere level this year). FC Alliance has an A, B, and C team and Isabelle wanted their B team. Whoa, that is moving up a lot!

Morrie and I were hoping for FC Alliance since it is the club right at our backdoor, and Maria will be playing for them this year as well. However, we knew we couldn't push Isabelle into anything, she would have to make her own choice and she wanted what she knew and was comfortable with. By Sunday afternoon, the kid was sweating through 75 degrees and playing a full 11 on 11 game (this were intense tryouts!). She was making fast friends at FC Alliance in just 2 days and I couldn't believe how happy she looked when she would come off and start chatting with some of these new girls. At the end of the second 2 hour tryout, she was offered a spot on their B team (and a few hours later offered a spot on the Nationals B team as well)! She was thrilled and definitely wanted FC Alliance. I said "Are you sure?" and she said "YES MOM" (I haven't seen a smile that big in AGES). Okay then, there we go! So we have 2 girls at the same club, in our neighborhood!!! I think what changed her mind was the fact that she was overwhelmed with the friendlieness of the FC Alliance group- and that is a big deal for her. We are so proud of her effort this weekend and pleased that she now knows she is good enough to hang with the premiere people. Isabelle and I got back to the car, closed the doors and screamed! Woohoo!

So, this morning, I sent an exhausted and still sick Isabelle to camp for 4 days with her class. As soon as I dropped her off, I started "Operation Surprise". Her birthday is next month and she has been begging forever to have her room repainted. So while she is gone, her room is receiving a huge makeover as an early birthday present. I will keep you posted on the progress. So far, I just finished cleaning up in there so I could move furniture and paint. That only took me 2 hours - jeez!

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