Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sassy Lady

This is the sweet Maria, wearing her ultra cool sunglasses. In the lower picture I just asked her to look at me and this is what I got. She is is just too cool without even trying. We showed up to Isabelle's soccer camp early to take pictures and Maria brought her purse, some gatorade and some books to read. Although, she was bored after 10 minutes...

She got her hair cut this summer, which I failed to post about when it happened. She got several inches cut off, as did her sister!! It was very exciting for me because their hair was soooooo long, I was happy to have a more managable length to deal with.

The girls are watching old episodes of the Cosby Show right now. They have been obsessed with it since last spring when I got some DVD's of the show. They now record it on Tivo and watch it repeatedly. I never realized how great the show was for kids...every time I think I should explain a situation that is happening on the show...the characters proceed to explain it for me, and the girls are probably listening more to them anyway. They are watching the episode where Elvin and Sandra are telling them they are not going to med school and law school, but are instead opening a camping store. It's a riot!


Morrie said...

Great shots of Maria. They are both totally 'her!'

Atticelf said...

The camera loves those girls. :)

Thanks for the Cosby Show reminder - I'll have to order that.