Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kent Cornucopia Cup

It was a scorcher in Kent this past weekend, and Isabelle had 4 games in 2 days. We took loads of pictures, but I picked just 2 for today. I like how Isabelle is floating in midair in this top one! However, I do hate it when I get a great picture, but the ball is hiding in between players!! Isabelle had some great games, they played against other select teams as well as a few premiere teams. Sadly, in the heat, they only had 1 sub! Each time Isabelle came off (which wasn't often) I put a wet towel that had been soaking in ice water over her head. The sigh that she let out each time was great!

This one of the girls running is really cute. It is after their final game (which they won!). As usual, us parents are lined up along the sideline for high fives, but they are not all that excited about us. What they are smiling at is a few older Northwest National girls who are are making a tunnel for them to run through before the parental high five line. Such joy on those faces, I love it!!


Morrie said...

I absolutely love that second picture. The girls worked so hard during the games and still found joy in a 'simple thing.' Lovely.

Atticelf said...

That is SO cool! A "pat on the back" gesture on the part of the older girls was such a classy thing to do. It was a hard-fought weekend.