On June 4th, Morrie and I celebrated 16 years together. We shared our first kiss way back on June 4th, 19 ninety something. Shoot, I'm not old enough for that kind of anniversary!
As we watched our lives flash before our eyes, we drove our 11 and 9 year old kids to soccer in unusual 90 degree heat, we continued to plant things in our yard in an attempt to bring it back from the wasteland it was when we bought the house, and we went out for date night. It was, all in all, a pretty good week!
We are preparing for Maria's indoor soccer game this afternoon, the Sounders are on tv this evening and we are all doing our favorite things tomorrow. Morrie is going hiking, I'm taking Isabelle to a much needed mall trip, and I'm taking Maria to flower world to get some bushes for the backyard. I am suuuuper excited, but maybe it's because it's my first weekend home in 4 years. I have worked Saturdays or Sundays for 4 years and I am finally free. That is my favorite thing this weekend!