Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summer, can you hear me?

As our area has been living in an impenetrable bubble of overcast, drizzly cold air, we have been desperately trying to find our summer. We spend our days peering into the sky for the sun, checking the forecast for hope and wondering when we can take off our jackets.

Poor Maria. Here she is wondering if she will ever see 80 degrees again in her life.

The dog is using her stuffed animals as an extra layer in order to conserve heat.

Kittens are supposed to be filled with energy and playfulness. Our kitten won't even move. I think she is depressed.

Our one ray of hope was a lone Sounders game where we weren't soaked to the bone. We didn't even have to get out the ponchos. Maria and I didn't know what to do with ourselves. We took a picture to preserve the moment.

We have been forced to spend long days indoors, wrapped in cozy sweats and watching movies. The dog is wondering when winter will be over. It's lasting FOREVER.

Our kitten was hoping for a hot tub.

Since it hasn't even felt like summer, I practically forgot that we had Isabelle's birthday! Since she turned 14, she got 14 gifts. Morrie was really amped up to turn 36, but I told him it's a girl thing and there was no way he was getting 36 presents.

Then I thought what the heck, and bought him a case of beer and a dozen eggs.

Isabelle's gifts were wrapped in paper that had beautiful maps of the world on them. I want her to have hope that she can move somewhere where people are happy and the sun does shine. She looked at them for days and begged to open JUST ONE early.


That paper was pricey and we are going to spend at least a WEEK admiring it and complimenting it.

I enjoyed looking at them. I would be happy if I moved here:

(I think Tuscany is calling me...can you hear it??)

As I let her begin opening the gifts I told her to STOP and give me a model pose.

Then I told her to relax. She doesn't have to move anywhere hot.

She detests the heat.

Morrie and I will let her live here and WE will move somewhere hot.

She was very relieved and quite happy with that plan.


Atticelf said...

OMG is Izzy 18??? She looks so grown up in these pics.

I have every intention of hiding in your trunk when you make the escape to someplace warm. Oh, and I'm bringing 3 kids and a husband too.

Anonymous said...

The weird thing is I swear today has just a touch of that autumn feeling to it. It feels totally wrong to go from spring to fall with nothing in between. Blech.

Happy birthday to Morrie and Izzy! I'm assuming those eggs were individually wrapped...