Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pictures From My Phone

Although I haven't had the big camera out and about with me, I do have my phone. I thought I would share where my phone has been lately.

Keeping track of this little pip-squeak. Meet the newest member of our family: Ming.

She likes to meow much too loudly for her size, ignore the dog but be scared of our other cats, balance on the back of chairs, sit in the kitchen sink and growl at her toys.

My phone and I also went on a hike with some people from work.

My phone was absconded by a certain 11 year old at the mall who likes to take self portraits.

We may have been at a parade over the 4th and we may have seen the truck from my favorite farmers market.

There also may have been too many people sitting in front of us. Whatever.

This girl still enjoyed the parade. Maybe it was because we camped out next to a certain diner called "The Ranch" and we may have had some french fries during the parade. Verrrry American.

My phone also has been enjoying my new shoes.

These two fabulous people have been hanging out around me a lot lately.

My phone witnessed this dog playing tug of war with a pair of feet. She wants her stuffed bunny rabbit back!!

It must have really tired her out.

And that is how my phone spent the past few weeks. Stay tuned for more adventures from My Phone.

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