Sunday, September 26, 2010

10 Things

I love lists. I mean L-O-V-E lists. This list is 10 things that are NOT soccer related that I did this weekend.

Hold on.

Let me think for a minute...


1. Isabelle painted my nails. The jury is still out on how I feel about this.

2. I decided I should definitely start my own line of gift bags.

3. Target will carry them.

4. I have had these entrepreneurial feelings before.

5. Not much comes from these feelings except me feeling all excited and determined for a day or two.

I think my designs could also be on reusable grocery bags, pillowcases, cards, i-phones, t-shirts and coffee mugs. I may be ahead of myself here.

6. Metropolitan Market is fun to walk around in. And dangerous.

7. That's how I ended up with Butternut Squash soup.

8. Why did I get that?

9. Maria is feeling sick and I am haunted by her illness from last year. She was sick for over 2 weeks, had 2 different antibiotics, and went to the doctor's office no less than 4 times.

10. I organized my fine tip sharpies (35 of them) and my fat sharpies (24 of them). I love sharpies.

I may have also done laundry, gone grocery shopping, stopped by Old Navy, got gas (not myself, the car), shared hysterical home movies of Maria (when she was 4) with my family, celebrated my dads birthday, had Teriyaki, thought about removing the nailpolish 37 times, told Isabelle to stop juggling the soccer ball in the house 9 times, cursed the toilet for being dirty, accidentally walked into the pet store when they were having an adoptathon (I had to walk around with my eyes shut to avoid looking at the kittens), wondered what Butternut squash is like, and gotten overly excited about my brother becoming a father.

I might have had excedrin before I talked to him. And then possibly talked very quickly and maybe loudly to him. He is definitely scared of me right now. And probably happy that he lives in another state. That is very far away.

That reminds me. Can I borrow someone's baby for a few years? I totally mean hours. HOURS. Just to hold and snuggle for little teeny tiny while?



Anonymous said...

Dude, Andrea, if it's not too late you two need to just HAVE ANOTHER BABY already. Sharpies can only carry you so far.

P.S. I go to the Metropolitan Market at least once a day.

Andrea said...

I really can't just borrow yours???