Can you hear the cleats hitting the ball?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Here is an obnoxious amount of pictures from our first summer tournament this year. Maria's team went up and was tied for first place going into the finals and lost 0-1. It was a tough battle. There was pushing, scratching, pinching, jersey pulling, ankle kicking and yelling. And that was just the parents. Maria was especially pleased with the neon yellow shirt we got her to commemorate the event. Morrie and I were able to watch lots of games with kids we knew from all over the place. It was a great weekend (even though it felt like October outside!).
A beautiful cross.
This is how she is most of the time, a blur!

Can you hear the cleats hitting the ball?
Think. Focus. Fancy move. Then drive up the line!
Smashing into one another.
Kicking with all the mojo you can muster.
Scare the opponent with your skills.
If you are smaller than them, just jump into them! At one point Maria rushed the goalie and in an attempt to not kick the goalie in the face, she pulled her foot back (the goalie had the ball at this point) and Maria crashed right into her and they both were in a heap in the ground. Both were okay. I might have nervously laughed. Or gasped.
Can you hear the cleats hitting the ball?
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What a look on her face! Awesome job, Maria! We had a blast watching you.
Must say though, I'm a little disappointed in not seeing any ankle biting pictures...
How do you have time to go to your kids' soccer games with all the World Cup watching I know you're doing?!
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