Sunday Maria had her second cross country meet. They run against other CYO schools. The schools in all of the Seattle area are divided into 2 groups since each group brings hundreds and hundreds of people to the meet, they run in 2 shifts. Marai and her friends just got their HFK tattoos on their cheecks and are stretching (chatting) before their race.

Here Maria is lined up with 8 of her classmates and her and Megan are doing some sort of pregame dance.

And they are off! Maria is especially excited that I got a picture of her "flying".

She runs a full mile, and this is 3/4 of the way through. Only one girl is ahead of her (there are about 50 girls in this race).

Here they come down the finish line! Maria ran a time of 7:19 last week and this week finished with 7:10. Way to go girl! She got second place - she is AMAZING.

Maria and Angela after the race, laying on the ground. Does Angela's arm look like it is about to break, or is that just me?
Her arm is creeping me out. Can't you Photoshop that or something? Maybe a well-placed sticker?
Way to go, Maria (aka Speedy Gonzalez)!
You let Maria get a tat??! On her FACE??!
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