Sunday, May 25, 2008

All work and no play...

Makes Andrea a dull girl...I have had to work every day of this holiday weekend! Luckily I had 2 wonderful things happen today. I found out that the spa is closing early tomorrow and I don't have to come in, and I was able to go to the women Sounders soccer game with Maria and her second grade buddies this evening. The weather was perfect and the girls had a lot of fun. Of course, they would have fun hanging out together at the dump. No, seriously, at this age they see eachother outside of school and it makes them giddy with excitement. The game ended in a 0-0 score, but it was really extraordinary to see the way the game is played at that level. Even making goals, about 95% of the "trying for a goal" situations were headers. I can't wait for the chance to take Isabelle, but I guess the next one isn't until June 24th. Ohhh...that sounds nice...summer break....sleeping in...mmmm...oh, sorry I got sidetracked there. Alright, I have to go organize some scrapbooking items, as tomorrow (my ONE day of "vacation" this holiday weekend) I am going to get some stuff done. Everyone should know that I am very excited about this and very much looking forward to it and have been looking forward to it for many may weeks.

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

June 24th? Hmmmm....maybe a little bday girl outing may be in order?