Sunday, October 2, 2011

Road Trip!

I like road trips.

I like to sit in the passenger seat and enjoy the scenery. This trip though, I had to be the driver and my 11 year old side kick got to relax and be the photographer most of the time.

We saw lots of clouds, and took lots of pictures of them. They were awesome.

After a long day of driving and playing soccer and driving some more, we rolled into our next town about 9:00pm and jumped right into bed.

The next day we drove some more, played soccer some more and enjoyed the scenery...and cleaned the windshield 7 times because I couldn't see through the 3,000 bugs that left their guts all over it. We had to resort to rolling down the window and one point just to get a clear picture.

We also sang Adele at the top of our lungs. Music can really make a road trip!

Having a good side kick doesn't hurt either.

Did I mention that we were loving the clouds?

Giving the clouds a run for their money were the wind turbines. Simply put, they were amazing and we might have a hundred pictures of them. Maybe more.

We actually stopped to get the last light of the day here:

I told her not to get to close to the edge, but this girl like to push the envelope.

Oops...looks like we might have pushed the envelope a little too much!

Why does she insist on giving me these heart attacks??

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