Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tournament Pictures

I didn't get very good pictures this weekend, I don't think I was up to the GU13 speed, but I will be by the next tournament! Here are my two favorite players, Kiana and Isabelle (Julie, these are in reverse order of time!). In this first one, Isabelle is praying to every God imagineable, she got that face ball about 10 minutes before, and is now back in and decided to stand right in front of the free kick about to happen. In our house you get a Slurpee for taking this position, dude, I would have given her one anyway, I just about had a heart attack watching this play. Luckily, she didn't get hit again!

Nice Header Izzy!

Kiana uses "the force" to add some oompf to this ball.

Super shot on goal by Izzy! Yes, she does take them this far out (and when she makes me play goalie, I duck out of the way).

Kiana draws from her hockey playing days and shoves this girl out of the way so Kiana can take the ball. hey, whatever works! We find ourselves giggling a lot in the sidelines when our girls get really pushy.

Izzy, thinking to herself "Who the heck plays twice a day in this heat?".

1 comment:

Atticelf said...

Izzy's right...that was way TOO HOT for us fans let alone the players. I still get flashbacks of that face ball she took...ouch...what a trooper.